Give a doghouse for Christmas

Due to the Ukrainian war, Natalia rescued 200 dogs who have no shelter from rain, wind and cold. For 50 euros you give your friend or loved one a doghouse in their name and help a dog get through the winter.

IMPORTANT! You can immediately send an e-card to the person you are donating this gift to. If you DON'T want this, enter your own e-mail address as a recipient instead and hand over your card personally.

Adjusted amount

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I dedicate this doghouse to:

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Select Payment Method

Make your donation quickly and securely with iDEAL

How it works: In order to pay with iDEAL, you will be redirected to your online banking website where you can authenticate and confirm the donation payment.

The amount you donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: €50,00