Emergency aid for animals by pilots

Hello, I am Eleonora Orlandi, a private jet pilot with a heart for animals. Together with our team of aviation crew, vets, biologists and business professionals we provide emergency aid to people who care for animals in the toughest conditions in Ukraine, Hatay and other places hit by natural or human disaster. We provide medical care in field hospitals, send foodtrucks to shelters in Ukraine and assist in search and rescue following natural disasters. Please help us save animal lives


Your donation saves lives and supports heroes for animals.

Your donation will allow us to provide food for the animals.
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Come funziona: Per pagare con iDEAL, verrai reindirizzato al sito web del tuo online banking dove potrai autenticarti e confermare il pagamento della donazione.

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Totale donazioni

Totale della donazione: €25,00