Una delle società di marketing olandese piu’ rinnomate invita le organizzazioni con un cuore per gli animali ad aiutare a salvare gli asini nel rifugio del veterinario Ali!

We are thrilled to announce our first corporate sponsor to help us save the donkey sanctuary in Turkey. The Dutch sustainable internet and marketing company Ecoteers.nl has decided to donate 825 euros to help save 115 animals in Turkey and is inviting other like-minded companies to help as well!

We are thrilled with the support because with help from animal friends, we can save 115 animals by the end of this month.

It is a story that has touched us deeply. Ali and his wife run the only donkey shelter in eastern Turkey, a country where donkeys are not always seen as living creatures and are often exploited and abused their entire lives. Once they cannot stand on their legs anymore, they simply get left behind to face a slow and painful death.

Ali brings these animals to his shelter, treats them, and cares for them for the rest of their lives. More than 115 animals have been rescued by Ali since the shelter opened three years ago and for the first time, these animals are free from abuse and treated with love and respect.

During the earthquake in Hatay, Ali’s family lost their home, but despite being homeless, they continued to care for their animals, because that is their main mission in life.

Out of the blue, the local government decided that the shelter has to move by the end of November. Many animals in Ali’s care need medical treatment and would not survive on the streets.

Ali has found a new place for his shelter in the same area, but moving all the fences, stables, electricity, and water systems costs 20,000 euros. The supporting Turkish organisation Haytap can finance 10,000 euro, but they are missing another 10,000 euros to be able to cover the cost of rescuing the shelter, Ali’s lifework, and the only refuge for these animals in the area.

We really can’t let this happen. Please help us raise the missing amount so that the shelter can continue to exist.

Please help save Ali’s donkeys: https://animalheroes.eu/projecten/save-alis-donkeys/

Together we can and will make this happen!

From my heart, thank you for your help!

Esther Kef

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