How it works
- Three ways to support your favourite animal hero:
1. Donate for food or medical assistance for animals in need.
This is much faster and cheaper than transporting food and medicine from outside. This way we avoid high transportation costs and ensure that emergency aid is on site within a few days. Of course, it can vary from situation to situation, which is why we always decide on how to provide emergecy aid in consultation with the animal hero on site.
2. Donate for a house or stable
The moment you make a donation for, for example, a house for a dog in Ukraine, or for a stable for a Turkish donkey, you will receive photos in your dashboard of the animal that has a roof over its head thanks to you. After making a donation, you can log in to your personal dashboard at any time with your e-mail address. We would also like to keep you informed by e-mail of the projects you have supported.
3. Donate for a special project.
If an animal hero needs money to repair a roof, to buy an intensive care unit, or to buy land for animal enclosures, you can make a contribution via our crowdfund option. Only when the entire amount has been collected and we have assurance that the money can be used to achieve the goal we will transfer it to the animal hero. In your personal dashboard, of course, we will keep you informed about the project. So if you donate, don’t forget to create an account; so you will always be able to see all your animal hero updates in your personal dashboard.

Finding it hard to choose? You can also make a general donation to Animal Heroes, we will then choose one or more animal heroes on which your donation will be spent.
All Animal Hero projects have been personally vetted and evaluated by us for authenticity, care and reliability. Where possible they have been personally visited by our team.