Off to a flying start!

Dear people, welcome to Animal Heroes; the Netherlands’ youngest emergency animal relief organization!

The name says it all, Animal Heroes is about animal heroes, people who care for animals in need in the harshest of circumstances. Often these people are invisible to the world. They dedicate themselves at risk to injured, traumatized and neglected animals. All the while they can often barely make ends meet themselves.

Animal Heroes exists to make animal heroes visible and help them by providing emergency assistance – together with you.

Because of a huge waiting list to open a foundation bank account, the earliest we could actually get started was the end of March. And then suddenly there was this huge earthquake. Of course, we couldn’t have to watch from the bench. Fortunately, they thought so too at Triodos. They then pulled out all the stops so that we could start our first Animal Hero project ahead of schedule. A huge thank you to Martijn, Daniel and other colleagues at Triodos bank, a bank that moves with you, that’s pretty unique!

How does Animal Heroes work?

First, we don’t have donors, we have fans! We think It may sound strange, but we don’t just put the animal heroes and their animals at the center, but also you as a fan!

Yes and we also dare to be honest about that. We think it’s important to let you as a fan know how your donation helps animals. We have built a very clever, system for that.

Only thanks to donations can we help animals. So we want 100% happy fans! Therefore, when you become a fan of an animal hero you get your own Animal Heroes dashboard where you get instant updates on the projects you support. So you can see for yourself how your donation helps animals.

In addition, you choose which project you want to support and where exactly your money will be spent. Today we launch our first 2 Animal Heroes, Ahmet Kamel, an animal hero who has set up 3 field hospitals in Turkey from the organization Haytap and Ali, a veterinarian who runs a shelter for retired animals in Turkey and who had to leave his house due to the earthquake.


Yes, and who are we really? We are an inspired team of marketing professionals, pilots, veterinarians and a biologist with a big heart for animals who want to dedicate their time and knowledge to save animals in need. We have worked extremely hard over the last few months to get Animal Heroes off the ground (to use pilot language) and are proud of our brand new organization.

We are an international organization operating out of the Netherlands, Italy, Finland and America.

Our unexpectedly fast start was only possible thanks to Yasmin Groot of, the agency that developed our fantastic logo and corporate identity, Okke, Peter and Tom of, who built our innovative and super fast website, Triodosbank who thought along with us, Netjets who sponsored our flights for the 2nd mission to Turkey, Eleonora Orlandi for organizing our two missions in Turkey, Dr. Fabio Frison and Yolanda Clant for the relief efforts in Hatay, Andrea Buttaboni from Pixgroup for providing our T-shirts and sweaters last minute, Mony de Roos (treasurer) and Marijs Kolenberg (secretary) from our board for the endless paperwork. Dear people thank you so much!

We hope you are as excited about Animal Heroes as we are, because Animal Heroes belongs to all of us. Together, we can help thousands of animals in need.

Dear people, welcome to Animal Heroes; the Netherlands’ youngest emergency animal relief organization!

The name says it all, Animal Heroes is about animal heroes, people who care for animals in need in the harshest of circumstances. Often these people are invisible to the world. They dedicate themselves at risk to injured, traumatized and neglected animals. All the while they can often barely make ends meet themselves.

Animal Heroes exists to make animal heroes visible and help them by providing emergency assistance – together with you.

Because of a huge waiting list to open a foundation bank account, the earliest we could actually get started was the end of March. And then suddenly there was this huge earthquake. Of course, we couldn’t have to watch from the bench. Fortunately, they thought so too at Triodos. They then pulled out all the stops so that we could start our first Animal Hero project ahead of schedule. A huge thank you to Martijn, Daniel and other colleagues at Triodos bank, a bank that moves with you, that’s pretty unique!

How does Animal Heroes work?

First, we don’t have donors, we have fans! We think It may sound strange, but we don’t just put the animal heroes and their animals at the center, but also you as a fan!

Yes and we also dare to be honest about that. We think it’s important to let you as a fan know how your donation helps animals. We have built a very clever, system for that.

Only thanks to donations can we help animals. So we want 100% happy fans! Therefore, when you become a fan of an animal hero you get your own Animal Heroes dashboard where you get instant updates on the projects you support. So you can see for yourself how your donation helps animals.

In addition, you choose which project you want to support and where exactly your money will be spent. Today we launch our first 2 Animal Heroes, Ahmet Kamel, an animal hero who has set up 3 field hospitals in Turkey from the organization Haytap and Ali, a veterinarian who runs a shelter for retired animals in Turkey and who had to leave his house due to the earthquake.


Yes, and who are we really? We are an inspired team of marketing professionals, pilots, veterinarians and a biologist with a big heart for animals who want to dedicate their time and knowledge to save animals in need. We have worked extremely hard over the last few months to get Animal Heroes off the ground (to use pilot language) and are proud of our brand new organization.

We are an international organization operating out of the Netherlands, Italy, Finland and America.

Our unexpectedly fast start was only possible thanks to Yasmin Groot of, the agency that developed our fantastic logo and corporate identity, Okke, Peter and Tom of, who built our innovative and super fast website, Triodosbank who thought along with us, Netjets who sponsored our flights for the 2nd mission to Turkey, Eleonora Orlandi for organizing our two missions in Turkey, Dr. Fabio Frison and Yolanda Clant for the relief efforts in Hatay, Andrea Buttaboni from Pixgroup for providing our T-shirts and sweaters last minute, Mony de Roos (treasurer) and Marijs Kolenberg (secretary) from our board for the endless paperwork. Dear people thank you so much!

We hope you are as excited about Animal Heroes as we are, because Animal Heroes belongs to all of us. Together, we can help thousands of animals in need.

How can we help you?