Animal Heroes sends first truck of animal food to shelters in Eastern Ukraine. 

We are excited to announce that on Friday the 26th of May we will send our first truck with 22.000 kg of food to feed thousands of hungry animals in shelters in East Ukraine. The food has been donated from our Finnish donors and has been organised by our Manager Finland, Carina Lintula. The project is a collaboration between Animal Heroes, Animals without Borders, and Helsinki Humane Society HESY ry. who have been labeling and packing boxes for days to get everything ready!

The queues at the Ukrainian border for trucks tend to be very long, so we can’t predict the exact date that our truck will arrive, but we hope it will arrive in Lviv early next week. From there our Ukrainian partner Uanimals will distribute the food to the East where it is needed the most.

The emergency aid will be delivered to animal shelters in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia, and Donetsk. The shelters are overcrowded with cats and dogs that have been abandoned by fleeing citizens and the shelters really struggle to feed the animals in their care. One of the shelters we visited last month only has porridge to offer to the 400 dogs in their care.

Carina Lintula, Manager Finland of Animal Heroes says:

“The volunteers in these shelters don’t have bomb shelters and they are working in extreme conditions. During the winter they often didn’t have heating and electricity, but despite everything, they stayed behind to care for abandoned animals. The least we can do is to provide food and money for medicine, because, without our help, thousands of animals will starve.”

We are committed to helping Ukrainian animals for as long as it takes.

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